Hosted by Lynette Arkadie and Kirileigh Lynch
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The Woo Woo ’Verse*

(* short for Universe)

An Enlightening, Practical and Humorous deep dive podcast into the world of energy, self and soul awakening.


Past the Yoni-egg Mountain ranges, beyond Kale Juice Lake and on the far side of Dream-catcher Valley stands the mirror-door to the Woo Woo ‘Verse.

Join guides Kiki and Lynette as they take you on one hell of an adventure, as they transverse the wild and vast landscape of possibility, synchronicity, source-energy and all things “Woo Woo”.

Whether you’re new to all this or you’ve lived in this parallel dimension for a few lifetimes, you are welcome here. This is a safe place where you can unfurl your freak flag and proudly let it fly. So put down your crystals, light your favourite incense, return your chakras to the aligned and upright positions and strap yourself in, because it’s going to be a wild ride through the Woo Woo ‘Verse.




do you hear the call?

Ever since the dawn of civilisation, people have not been content to see events as unconnected and inexplicable. They have craved an understanding of the underlying order in the world. Today we still yearn to know why we are here and where we came from. Humanity’s deepest desire for knowledge is justification enough for our continuing quest. And our goal is nothing less than a complete description of the universe we live in.
— Stephen Hawking

There is a gentle hum, emanating through the universe to the hearts of all the connected and awake souls ready for something more. This calling is getting stronger day by day to come back to our connection with each other and our earth.

As we awaken to the call, our souls will remember the power they have as a united force and will be inspired in turn to generate wild powerful change through our world.

The creation of the Woo Woo ‘Verse Podcast is a response to this call. 

It is a starting point. It is the reunification and gathering of the soul family. It is a place of open conversation and big ideas for those who believe in something bigger and more vast than the physical world. 

Here at the Woo Woo ‘Verse we encourage you to unfurl your wings, come out of the shadows to play, discuss, share, heal, experience and celebrate that we’re all in this together. 

***It’s also a chance for two Energy Sisters to ‘talk shop’, LOL and pass on some very practical tips.

 In short “We came to Woo Woo”.

Are you ready to Woo Woo too?

You can join the Woo Woo Crew on Instagram @WooWooVerse or sign up below.

